Express your commitment to the Shell brand by joining NASM today!
Two types of membership are available:
- Wholesale Marketer membership in NASM reflects a desire to grow the Shell brand, and to engage Shell in constructive dialogue for the betterment of Shell petroleum marketers. Marketer members are asked annually to submit their gallons of Shell products sold. This data is confidential and is only used to calculate dues rates per the formula below:
Shell gallons sold – 5,000,000 = XXX
XXX / 100,000 = XXX
XXX x 5 = XXX
XXX + 800 = Total Dues (Capped at $2,475)
- Supplier Associate membership in NASM is available to those companies which provide goods or services to Shell Wholesale Marketers. Supplier Associate dues are $750 annually.
For more information about each type of membership, see below.

Wholesale Marketer Membership
Join as a Marketer
Your company’s membership with NASM saves you time and money, helping you grow professionally.
- Retailer Contract Packages: NASM’s retailer contracts are patterned after Shell’s current incentive and supply agreements. These contracts are provided free of charge to members.
- Shell Wholesale Marketer Agreement Analysis: This document summarizes the major provisions of the Shell Wholesale Marketer Agreement and contains comments by NASM Legal Counsel. This analysis is intended to assist you in understanding your rights, responsibilities and potential liability under the Agreement.
- Legal Consultation: Businesses face legal concerns every day. NASM’s legal counsel provides a free half hour of legal consultation to NASM members on any issues of concern to them. When needed, additional consultation is provided at discounted hourly rates.
- Discounted Equipment, Services & Publications: Many of NASM’s Supplier Associate members offer significant discounts to NASM members for publications, equipment, insurance and other business services.
- Supplier Directory: The NASM Supplier Associate Directory on www.nasmonline.comserves as a quick reference to aid you in selecting companies from which to purchase petroleum marketing and c-store equipment, supplies and services.
- NASM maintains an ongoing dialogue with Shell representatives to effectively promote the interests of Shell marketers on legal and policy matters. In addition, NASM monitors legislative and regulatory issues, together with litigation, of concern to the petroleum industry. If a matter of interest arises, NASM’s members are notified via email. NASM is also involved with numerous industry coalitions that work to safeguard your business relating to legislative and regulatory initiatives.
- NASM Forum: NASM holds regular topics calls to address hot-button issues in the industry.
- e-Newsletter: @NASM provides updates on industry and Shell-specific issues, covers business related issues, and offers ideas on how to save money and grow your business. It also includes news and updates of Marketer and Supplier Associate members.
- Legal Bulletins: NASM issues legal bulletins with explanations, advice, and updates on legal matters that may affect Shell marketers and on litigation that may have industry-wide ramifications.
- Membership Directory: NASM’s website has a searchable members-only directory of both marketer and associate members.
- Meetings and Events: Relationships are priority number one at NASM events. Attendees develop business ties that will bear fruit well into the future.
- NASM Engagement: NASM’s marketer members form the foundation of our association. Contribute to your association through committee participation, content development, and industry outreach!
- Social Networking: Follow the latest industry news and NASM updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Supplier Associate Membership
Join as a Supplier
Your company’s membership with NASM saves you time and money, helping you connect with new customers.
- Membership Directory: NASM’s website has a searchable directory of both Wholesale Marketer and Supplier Associate members. Search the NASM database, which includes titles, contact information, store counts, and more.
- Supplier Directory: Supplier Associate members receive a free listing in the online NASM Supplier Directory with company contact information and description. It contains product information for providers of petroleum marketing and convenience store equipment, supplies and services.
- @NASM: NASM’s monthly e-Newsletter provides updates on industry and Shell-specific issues, covers business related issues, and offers ideas on how to save money and grow your business. It also includes news and new member updates.
- NASM Forum: NASM holds regular topics calls to keep the membership informed and engaged. Call topics vary based on relevance and timeliness, but Supplier Associates have access to these calls and can offer suggestions and content for consideration.
- Advertise with NASM: NASM’s website provides news and information of interest to Shell Marketers and those interested in the petroleum marketing industry. Banner advertising is available on the homepage and is only available to Supplier Associate members.
- Promote Your Discounts: Supplier Associate members may send NASM a description of an exclusive discounted product or service that they would like to provide to Shell marketers who are members of NASM. NASM also places this in membership materials which are sent to marketer members throughout the year.
- Meetings and Events: We value relationships and business development foremost at our conferences and events and seek your presence, involvement, and input to make NASM events the gold-standard in the industry. Plus, Supplier Associate members get a discounted rate on event registration.
- Social Networking: Follow NASM on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and updates.
- NASM Engagement: Our supplier associate membership is the lifeblood of our association. Contribute to your association through committee participation, content development, and industry outreach!